Credit cards are a basic necessity nowadays because of their huge advantages associated with finance. UAE is a place, where everybody likes to use a credit card rather than carrying cash in their hands. Credit cards are making life more manageable through their several services and with more entertaining benefits. Getting a credit card in UAE means you got a better way of living with an entire advanced financial planned strategy via banks. Credit card bring lots of changes into an individual’s life, even it is modified the whole lifestyle and personality of a person. In this article, these main life-changing things that are attached to credit cards will be discussed properly.
Key Features of Credit cards
- Get Cashback offers
The major key feature of a credit card is to avail the cashback chance every time you shop. You can avail the cashback offer while doing shopping, especially when you purchase heavyweight objects. The cashback range may vary but usually, it’s up to 15% to 20% as well.
- Avail the Discounts
Credit cards offer discounts also on various things, like online shopping, online food delivery service, online grocery store service, etc. Whenever you use a credit card with these services you will obtain enjoyable discount offers.
- Make your score high
Let’s make the high score with the credit card, and pay your credit amount on time and within the duration as prescribed by the bank. That will increase your ratings and you will obtain the extra points that lead to a high score. It means, that if you will manage your credit cards in Dubai, you may get more benefits in the future with this good credit history.
- Roadside assistance in need
If you need any assistance regarding the road or you need anything in the center of the road, just contact with bank for assistance. For example, if you are stuck in the middle of the road, at that time this facility of credit card will help you out.
- Entertainment bundle
In this bundle, consumers will get the benefits related to the entertainment package. For example, free movie tickets, free visits to various playlands, discounts when you are on trips within UAE, Offers while dining, traveling, etc.
- Annual fee elimination
Some top-class credit cards in Dubai, also give the facility of Annual fee elimination. which means you will not have to pay any annual fee for your credit card.
- Salary for card
Now the most important question is about the eligibility of credit cards in UAE. The answer is, you can easily avail the facility of credit cards with the minimum income range of 5000 AED only.
Best cashback credit card
Our main focus is to highlight the best key features related to cashback credit card in the UAE and within the state of Dubai. After searching every type of card, the results are in the favor of Abu Dhabi’s cashback card named “ ADIB cashback visa platinum card”. It is considered the most upper-level and beneficial credit card in the whole UAE. Now, let’s discuss the main reasons behind its so much popularity among the whole nation.
- The card will give you the advantage of the urgent balance transfer. Through this, visa platinum card customers can receive the balance from any other card in case of any need.
- Another benefit related to the card is to avail the chance of any airport lounge throughout the world.
Some Famous credit cards in Dubai, UAE
- Cashback credit card of city bank
- Cashback card of Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank
- Platinum credit card of Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB)
- Infinite credit card of Emirates NBD
- Platinum Elite card of Mashreq Bank
- Super saver card of Commercial Bank of Dubai
- Platinum card of a standard chartered bank