How to stop cats scratching at Furniture
So, you’ve purchased Furniture Lounge Sunderland an item of furniture that you enjoy, but your cat also loves it. From armchairs and sofas to the dining room table, scratching furniture is natural for cats. Most cats with access to gardens will scratch at outdoor objects such as fences and trees.
However, many indoor cats and some outdoor cats can scratch your sofa or carpet. Fortunately, it can be prevented. We’ve got a lot of tips and tricks that will assist your cat in stopping scratching at furniture. Read about.
What is the reason your cat has started scratching furniture
Before we can stop the behavior, it is crucial to comprehend why cats scratch at furniture. Four reasons are commonly used:
Claw maintenance: The cat’s claw is made up of an outer part known as the husk, which can sometimes be painful. Post or table can help dislodge the husk and remove it.
Once it’s released, the sharper side of the nail beneath will be visible as if it were the snake shedding its skin. The professionals refer to this process as stripping.
Muscle building: If your cat is frequently scratching, it could be because they’re trying to build muscle mass in your cat’s upper body.
This doesn’t mean that they’re a fitness bunny. It’s an instinctual nature. Cats require pectoral solid muscles and limbs to become the best hunters and remain healthy.
Attention-seeking Cats constantly looking for attention begin to scratch the carpet; they might be trying to catch your attention.
They may also be trying to identify their area of residence. In reality, scratching can leave a scent that signals other cats not to enter their location.
Anxiety: A common reason why cats scratch is anxiety. Perhaps you’ve just moved, had extensive construction work completed, or are in a place with many cats. If you think your cat is stressed, contact your veterinarian for assistance in finding the right behavior specialist.
How can you stop your cat from scratching furniture?
It’s crucial to remember Furniture Warehouse Sunderland that scratching is an instinctual habit required of all felines. A punishment for your cat who strikes the table will not help since it’s highly normal behavior for cats. However, they do not know what kind of surface is acceptable or unsuitable to scratch.
Therefore, giving them a new scratching surface that meets all their criteria is crucial. A perfect scratching surface would be much more suitable for you can scratch on than your couch or chairs.
Scratching posts can be a fantastic alternative; you will find them in many pet stores and on the internet. Cat posts are known as being an eyesore. Not now. If you look around, you’ll discover many cat scratching posts which look elegant.
The majority are constructed from sisal, cardboard, or even wood. However, the designs differ throughout the range. Many have different levels where your cat can play, nap and scratch. They are usually referred to as cat trees.
If you’re looking for a space that’s not enough and want to scratch, a scratching mat could be the answer to your needs. You can put these scratching boards on your flooring or wall for your cat to scratch. In addition, as they’re typically made from sisal or seagrass and seagrass, they shouldn’t make your house look ugly.
It is essential to purchasing scratching posts or a scratching surface when you can. This will stop any further damage to your furniture and furniture, but the earlier the cat utilizes it to scratch, the more pheromones it will leave behind. The pheromones and scratch scratches stimulate your cat to continue using them more. Therefore, time is the key.
What is the best scratching pad for your cat?
Remember these tips when searching for scratching boards or scratching posts:
Long or tall
Cats like to stretch their bodies as tall and long as they can when scratching. This is why they reap all the health benefits from scratching. If you choose a scratching place or mat, ensure that it’s large enough to allow the cat’s body to spread.
If you own scratching posts that slide over or shift whenever your pet crosses it, this is where you’re in trouble. A scratching board must be sturdy and resist the force of a cat’s sharp claws. It may be necessary to attach your wall.
If you’re using mats or scratching surfaces, Try to find ways to connect the carpet to the wall or floor. If that’s not feasible and you’re not sure, choose a mat that is long enough to allow your cat to sit on while scratching. Their body weight should help to keep the rug in position.
When you own multiple cats, it is highly recommended that each cat have their own scratching space. This is due to the pheromones that cats release when they scratch to identify their boundaries. They are best placed in different home areas to have separate scratching areas.
Position your scratching surface or post strategically. You could, for instance, put it in the area where your cat has been scratching the most.
If they prefer to rub after a good nap, position it near their preferred spot to sleep. It could be placed near the places they go through a lot of times, such as a hallway or by the doorway. Or, it could be placed on the staircase.
Post or board If you are deciding between the two, think about the location and what your cat likes to scratch. If they want the idea of scratching horizontally across your carpet, then go for scratching boards placed on the ground. For those who prefer vertical scratching on the table’s doorway, sofa, or leg, consider a scratching board.
How can you convince your cat to go to their scratching posts
Convincing your cat to take advantage of the scratching area isn’t as simple as it appears. There’s already a place to scratch, and they’re happy so you may need some convincing. Here are some suggestions:
Please don’t make it a chore: allow your cat to explore the new toy at their own pace and under their circumstances. Because cats naturally are curious, They’ll be more inclined to be willing to discover it in their way.
Try a game. If your cat isn’t going to the scratching post, they have purchased it, and you want to incorporate it into rounds. Use it as a play area near the center, allowing the claws to reach for the surface. This way, they’ll realize that this is the perfect place to scratch and return at the right time.
Catnip: Catnip is a guaranteed way to get your cat to scratch their post. Sprinkle it on the seat or tie bags of it on top.
Stop them from returning to their previous location: Cleaning their last scratching areas will eliminate the smell of pheromones.
Many sprays are designed to eliminate these Pheromones. But, they are also pretty unpleasant to human beings, so we try to steer clear of them and keep our homes clean as we usually do.
To deter cats, you can put double-sided tape around the area. It should be unpleasant when your cat attempts to scratch at it, discouraging it from doing so. It is essential to ensure that it’s not so sticky that it causes damage to the furniture or scratches.