How to Use Facebook Questions to Increase Engagements


A key rule that any firm’s Facebook page should follow is to have users ask questions rather than just posting announcements. Facebook has made it easier by announcing at the closing of March that they launched their innovative “Facebook questions” feature, which can be utilized directly in the status updates of your profile, the companies, or brand page.

There are two reasons this feature is a more effective method of asking questions. The first is the ease of use. Although you can find get many Facebook followers uk that can conduct similar types of polls, to answer the question, users must also install the application, which causes a barrier, and result in lower engagement.

The second and foremost reason is the inherent “viral-ability” of the feature. The questions appear not just on your wall as complete stories, but whenever someone on your fan page answers this question, the answer shows up as a full-length story on their feeds. If the

When a friend responds, it is displayed as a complete story on their feeds the answer, and the cycle continues. Anyone interested in the poll can leave comments or “follow” the question to be notified of any new responses and results. On every personal profile, there’s now a tab called “Questions” where friends can look up all questions that the person has responded to in the past.

If you choose to utilize the feature of questions, you can consider some things to think about before you begin:

Don’t over-use:

Like we said in our previous Social bakers’ article “How Many Times Should You Post on Facebook Pages?” excessive posts can result in lost fans, and the sharing function implies that you must disperse the questions in a way that you can provide additional content in addition. The goal is for questions to remain entertaining and helpful; therefore, limit questions to only 1-3 times per month, particularly at the beginning. That way, you can assess their effectiveness and create discussion.

Offer options:

While it’s possible to publish an open-ended question and let viewers choose from the choices, The most effective questions already have a set of options, even if it’s an answer that’s either yes or no. This means it’s more likely that your viewers will take part since all they have is only a click.

If appropriate, name your questions:

The name of your page or company will not be displayed automatically in this feed. So, if you can, include the name when you ask the question. For instance, when JetBlue wanted to ask their followers, they asked, “Which new JetBlue Getaways destinations would you visit?” They received more than 25,000 responses within less than a week.

Follow up with:

Follow up with the results of your poll and any comments you might be able to give to its results. When customers feel like their views are considered and are incorporated into the products or services you provide, they experience an ownership feeling for your company, which can lead to greater trust.

A well-written, engaging and relevant question can receive get many Facebook likes uk, responses, and feedback on Facebook worldwide and not just from your users, increasing “likes” and attention to your page. So, what kinds of questions should you be asking yourself? There are three primary kinds:

Pure fan engagement Questions

Ask fans to share their opinions on current issues such as sports, news, or entertainment to get them in dialogue. Get to know the lifestyle and interests of your customers.

Market and Competitive Analysis Questions

Ask your fans about the items or brands they love, what price they’d pay for something, and what requirements they’re unable to meet. Sales prospecting can be done by using the same types of questions. When you ask questions such as “Are you planning on buying a new (product name),” you could create conversations. Connect with potential prospects who might be interested in purchasing that product.

Product/Service Feedback Questions

Have your customers share their experience and the kinds of services or products they would like to see coming shortly. Similar to JetBlue’s query, you can make a quick focus group that will allow you to evaluate whether your service. Product strategy is in line with your customers’ needs and what aspects of your service or product customers value the most, and what areas you could expand into.

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